Water Maze

The Water Maze CLPB: Waste water recycling system with bioremediation

A variation of the Water Maze CLP series is the CLPB series, which features a unique blend of mechanical filtration with bioremediation technology for highly effective wastewater treatment especially in waste hauling and landfill operations.

The CLPB uses a digital sequencer to monitor and control the filtering of the wash water, with re-circulating and filter backwashing, sludge dumping functions, aeration and microbe management.

For more information on the CLP and its options, please contact Royce Industries. We are an authorized direct dealer for waste water treatment equipment.

Contact us today to speak to any of the Royce Industries professional team!

We have locations in: Salt Lake CityBoiseDenver and Las Vegas. Our service area also includes parts of Oregon, Montana and Wyoming.